Shakespeare Would that in body and spirit Shakespeare came Visible emperor of the deeds of Time, With Justice still the genius of his rhyme, Giving each man his due, each passion grace, Impartial as the rain from Heaven’s face Or sunshine from the heaven-enthroned sun.I want to tell you how your hands Reach out from your. I want to tell you how your face Enduring after thirty, forty, fifty. Dear Colette Dear Colette, I want to write to you About being a woman For that is what you write to me.‘Three dear things that women know,’ Sang a bhone upon the shore ‘A man. Three Things ‘O cruel Death, give three things back,’ Sang a bone upon the shore ‘A child found all a child can lack, Whether of pleasure or of rest, Upon the abundance of my breast’: A bone wave-whitened and dried in the wind.Words scored upon a bone, Scratched in despair or rage Nine hundred years have gone. 1050) cut on it: I loved her as a maiden I will not trouble Erlend’s detestable wife better she should be a widow. Meditation on a Bone A piece of bone, found at Trondhjem in 1901, with the following runic inscription (about A.I would to heaven that I were so much clay I would to heaven that I were so much clay, As I am blood, bone, marrow, passion, feeling – Because at least the past were passed away – And for the future – (but I write this reeling, Having got drunk exceedingly today, So that I seem to stand upon the ceiling) I say –.Not a flower, a bird calling Hidden among the darkest trees, music Over the water, making a silence Out. The water sweeps past in flood, Dragging a whole tree by the hair, A barn, a bridge. (“All the world’s a stage,” The actor prates.) And that hobbling buffoon Is no joker In the body as in glory, In. In the body as in a hold, In the self as in a cell.

The Demon In Me The demon in me’s not dead, He’s living, and well.And his beloved, The next morning driving to work…? His words are not (meant to be) so unique. A man hung upside down (an idiot friend Holding his legs?) with spray paint To write the words on a girder fifty feet above A highway. "I Love You Sweatheart" A man risked his life to write the words.When the child is soothed and resting on the. When truth comes spilling out like peas It hangs up the phone. Under my eyes, those milk bunnies, It waits. The Other Under my bowels, yellow with smoke, It waits.I Come Home Wanting To Touch Everyone The dogs greet me, I descend Into their world of fur and tongues And then my wife and I embrace As if we’d just closed the door In a motel, our two girls slip in Between us and we’re all saying Each other’s names and the dogs Buster and Sundown are on their hind legs.